Thursday, November 10, 2022


I puttered in the wood shop of the garage;  I had to replace the bandsaw blade--what a job!  I had to ask for Bill's help because I needed muscle! lol  We got it done.  As long as I was there, I decided to play at the lathe.  A friend has asked for some decorative birdhousses shaped like acorns to hang in his tree.  I had fun making this one but on the next, I will tweak the size.  This one is 5" long.  I have some eye hooks somewhere in this house but I couldn't find them anywhere!  Grrrr.  As soon as I find some or buy some more, I can't seal the wood ( I will hang it and paint it with spray polyurethane.)  It was very enjoyable to spend a few hours at the lathe-it was cool out and that was perfect weather for garage play!
In the house, I finished this month's Tunisian crocheted block.  Isn't it pretty?  This stitch is a lace pattern, obviously.  
Yesterday was blustery and only a bit of rain but things are supposed to change today.  I supported this flower shoot to the agave plant.  This is so exciting to see it growing BUT it is also a bit of a worry because the mother plant dies after flowering to make room for the baby plants growing around her.  It is a beautiful plant from my brother and I don't want it to die!  Nature in a nutshell, right?!  The stalk will reach about 20' tall--it is only 5' right now.  As long as the hurricane doesn't knock it down, it will have another few months to reach maturity.  Pretty cool.


  1. That plant is so cool — I hope it stands strong today! The acorn is very fun.

  2. A 20’ tall stalk - yikes, just like Jack and the Beanstalk.

  3. That is one cute little birdhouse! Your agave reminds me of the yucca plants that were all the rage here in the 80's. I used to have quite a few in the yard at my old house. Their tall stalks were always so interesting to see pop up out of nowhere.

  4. I really like your little birdhouse and I'm sure your friend will love it. We just talked to Dennis's brother in Miami and he said the sun is shining there and they just have a light breeze. Crazy hurricanes!
    I sure hope your agave makes it through the storm. I would be sad to lose it too.
    Take care and stay safe my friend.
    Blessings and love,

  5. Really like your acorn birdhouse - very cool. And, I learned something about Agave plants! Which reminds me to add agave syrup to my grocery list....

  6. The pumpkin was not where I thought that was going. LOL! Hope you escaped the wrath of Nicole, we are headed down on the 20th, so I hope Daytona escapes any severe weather too. Love the acorn!!!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....