Wednesday, May 24, 2023


The new handles work beautifully--they are cushioned and it makes holding them much more comfortable!  I managed to get 3/4 of the quilt done before I ran out of steam!  I will be finishing it today--and maybe even getting the binding on it, too!  
I am using this allover pattern for the quilting;  It uses just a bit less than one whole bobbin to do a row!  It's worth it though, it is looking so classic--so traditional which is just what makes me happiest!
Unlike this churn dash--it is a traditional block but I am using colors that are less than traditional! lol

I only have four more blocks to make and then I can figure out what color I will use for sashing!
Oh, and I finished the shallow bowl yesterday;  it is full of character;  like it has been used for a century already! 
The summer pattern of rain every afternoon has started a bit early for us;  we have had several inches in the last few days which is perfect for all of the new plants!  Unfortunately, some of the blossoms get knocked off-I couldn't resist scooping up the Plumeria to bring in their beautiful perfume! 


  1. What a beautiful patriotic quilt! The backing is perfect.

  2. I'm so fascinated by long arm quilting. I love watching videos of it. If I had the room I'd have one for sure.
    The bowl is lovely. It's got a nice sheen on it.

  3. That is a beautiful quilt and you chose a very nice quilting pattern for it. The bowl is so cool. I knew when I saw it before that it would be a favorite and I was right. :-) You have SO much energy.

  4. Tradition and ne tradition - sounds like a fun day!!!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....