Tuesday, July 11, 2023


If you wonder where the birds go when it is raining hard?
---now you know!!!
When it is clear out, you celebrate with ice cream!  (My parents!)
And singing happy birthday with nieces, great nieces, a great nephew a brother in law and my sister!
My sister's great dane--they are so much more than a dog! lol
Crazy kids in the pool that is so chilly after all the rain! 
 Bill supervised and cheered them on!  
Muchroooms (toad stools) grow tall and fast!

But the syringa like the warm/rainy/warm weather!  



  1. Fun times!! Those toadstools can grow so quickly after a good rain.

  2. I was thinking of you when I saw all that rain up north. Did your parents get married at 12? Lol....they look so young and healthy. You've inherited some mighty good genes.

  3. Looks like quality family time. Cute capture of the birds under the car.

  4. Looks like the birds are pretty smart! Glad you are enjoying time spent with your family back home!

  5. Smart birds!!!
    Love all the good family time you are having!!!

  6. haha, love that photo of the birds! Looks like you had lots of fun! xx


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!