Wednesday, July 19, 2023


I used the enforced up time in the morning yesterday to card some more fiber so I could spin another bobbin. 
 This is how the wool looks when I begin.
I load some on my hand card first.  (just glob it on! lol)
And then make sense of the wads by combing them for a few strokes--it doesn't take much to get it fluffy like this!

Next, I load these fluffly bits from the hand cards into the carding drum and add about 4-5  of the fluffy fiber from the handcards to make a 'batt' from the drum.
I brought 4 of them into my bedroom so I could spin from bed and someone immediately began to do her own fiber ministrations--biscuit making of the most intense attention!
And then she promptly laid down for a nap!
I did get to spin after a bit because a jet went over and she thought it was thunder and went to hide!
After I did my spinning, I finished the Dotz project I was working on when in NY last week!  (because I mount it on the art board before I work on it, I can recline in bed with it leaning on my knees to work on it!)  I didin't notice it there, but do you see the face of a woman toward the right of the water/sky?! 
 If you don't see her, blame it on my head cold--
it does impair my brain to be so stuffy! 


  1. I do see a face, but on the left side -- maybe I'm loopy, too. Ha! Rosie was assisting with crochet today -- helping to unwind the skein as she ran away with it in her mouth. :)

  2. I don't see a face. Biscuit making is HARD work...a nap afterwards is always needed. LOL

  3. You're brave! Fiber in the bed? I won't even card it in the house because of my allergies. I love playing with fiber but am limited to when I can get outside which is not now. Rain, rain, rain....muggy, buggy and hot. How on earth do you people manage down south? I'm counting the days until fall.

  4. I sure hope you're better soon. I always wanted a drum carder when I was spinning. I hand carded like you but then I rolled the batts into rolags on my own without rolling them on a drum carder. Your's are so much fluffier.
    Blessings and hugs,


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