Monday, July 31, 2023


I have to decide how I will put some borders on this--the blocks are all done and stitched together, though.  Right now it is 40 x 50'  I have enough to make another row but I am not sure I want to do that.  I will stew over it for a few days.
I sewed this one together, too, and only have enough of the green strips for three sides so I will use it in pieces alternating with the leftover solid strips.  Of course, I couldn't find them so will put that at the top of the list for today
 so I can get it ready for quilting!
And I even adjusted the pants pattern pieces so I could cut out the linen pants!  All ready for me to serge it together. 
 They should be a done deal by day's end! 
 Nice to start the week in the studio!


  1. Busy, busy!! Linen pants will be so comfy. Have fun with your sewing.

  2. Pants? That's the one thing I've never tackled sewing wise. I should learn to make them because my shape and size don't translate into store bought anything anymore. I just bought my first pair of shorts in forever and to get them to fit in the waist I look like I'm wearing a tutu. Hilarious but they have nice big pockets to carry some knitting

  3. Those linen pants are going to be so comfortable and look great with your new sweater. As for the quilts, you are so productive with them. As I've said before, is there nothing that you can't do?
    Happy Monday, Happy Sewing!

  4. I love linen, but I need to learn how to embrace the wrinkles.

  5. Always fun to have several things on the go!

  6. I really like that first one... it sings!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!