Saturday, July 22, 2023


I broike out the new paints I have had for a month and finally began a painting with them.  I am about halfway done with this;  it takes a lot more time than you think to build up the layers starting with things farthest away and then adding details the closer to the viewer you get.  A good way to get me upright more!  The paints are a new-to-me brand which more closely mimic oils yet are acrylics.  They take longer to dry yet haven't the odors associated with oils and they don't dry out so quickly on your canvas or your palette. 
 A good way to get my brain cells working again!
In between layers of paint, I worked on the sleeve. 
 One done and on to the next! 


  1. Looks like you have been busy as usual! I swear you get more done prone than I do standing! LOL. Hoping you are able to stay upright more by now. LOVE the sweater!!! LOVE the painting! And your batts and yarn, beautiful!!!

  2. I like the detail on the sleeve. And your painting is lovely.

  3. New paints!! It's always interesting finding out what they can do.
    Yay for the sleeve finish. That sweater's an almost done deal now.

  4. Nice painting. And sweet little detail on the sleeve. Have a good week.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!