Saturday, July 8, 2023


Mom's Hoya plant is in bloom again--I so enjoy seeing it when I visit!  What a beautiful 3" clump of flowers!
The kitchen window has some new African Violets--this one has to have the largest display of flowers I've ever seen!  Easily it is 5" wide and 3" high!
The robins were so busy this morning;  there was a bit of rain through the night and they were all looking for the worm!  I have enjoyed listening to the birds--it is so busy around the whole yard!
Dad's roses are not only beautiful but they smell delicious!
Mom and I bought 5 skeins of dishcloth cotton (one is still on her needles so not on the sill) and then will make a bunch of different combinations of these for the dishcloths we knit while we visit-
and laugh!


  1. It's so nice to go home again. Being with my parents and re-living the old times together used to be such a treat. I miss that so much. Treasure every minute you get.

    1. You are so right! Enjoy those special moments!

  2. Pretty flowers. And I love the log cabin type design of the dishcloth.

  3. Loved the Hoya photo! I have 3 of them but only one has bloomed. (I am not crazy though about the flowers' smell.:>)


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!