Saturday, July 15, 2023


I wound the plied yarn I had made before we left so I could count the yardage and prep it for washing and setting.
I have a skein of yarn that is probably between fingering and DK weight yarn with 510 yards.
I then began the job of picking and combing on the drum carder to get some new fiber to spin for TDF again!
  This is some Gulf Native Sheep wool I had dyed a few years ago and didn't enjoy picking and combing before spinning 
but I am going to finish it up this time with little whining! 
I changed the whorl set-up on the drum carder
to the larger one and then rolled the batting off tightly
 so that it is like a large rolag.  
I will be spinning it today and will let you know how it goes!
I unpacked, walked around a bit to see the flowers and was glad to see the orange tiger lily that was in bud last week-
I was so glad I didn't miss it!
This guy watched me water the plants--he is a a green anole;  he can change colors to match the shade of his background  and we call them chameleons but they are not true chameleons. 
 They are not as common as brown anoles in my yard so I enjoy watching them!


  1. Welcome Home. Glad you had such a nice visit with family.

  2. Welcome home! There really is no place like home is there? I've never heard of a an anole before. I always learn from my dear blog friends.

  3. What a beautiful skein of handspun!

  4. Love your newest handspun yarn! What are you going to make with it? It's always nice to be back home, isn't it?

  5. Love the tiger lily and the anole!!! So cute! I've noticed several young praying mantises in the garden the last couple of days... they will have to stand in for the lack of lizards here


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!