Thursday, July 20, 2023


I finally finished the dreaded stockinette-body-round-and-round-forever-stage--the ribbing is done and cast off, too! I am pressently working on the sleeves delighting over the fact that there are far fewer stitches to go round and round!  It is only a short sleeved sweater so it won't be long before I have these sleeves finished!  In fact, I have a doctor appointment today so I will have some waiting room knitting time! (I always postition myself as far from the dreaded game show program that will be on the waiting room tv and try to relax and knit instead!)
I tried a warm-up exercise on this recent watercolor.  I have some new acrylics that I want to paint with soon as I can bear standing and thinking.... and thought this would be a good way to get my colors flowing again!
After reading a few comments on my last post, I had a good laugh!  I said I 'saw a face' on the right side of the Dotz painting but it was indeed on the left side!  That is, unfortunately, One of the effects of my MS; my inability to say my right from my left--I can point okay but hearing it or having to tell someone can be rather contrary!!!!  (Can you imagine me as copilot? 
 I yell, "That way!" and just point! )
Anyway, this is the next Dotz painting is waiting for me;  I glued it to its board so I will be able to start working on it today, I hope!


  1. Pretty sweater. I still don't see the

  2. The sweater looks great! Getting to the sleeves is always a relief. I'd love to live in that little cottage-somewhere where it's cool. I'd love a nice hot cup of tea right now but I'd melt. I saw the face on the left side and wondered if that's what you meant. The Mister is finally getting into to his dotz and the results are really pretty.

  3. Oh gosh, that sweater is just beautiful. I do the same at doctors appointments. I had my annual cardiologist appt. yesterday and took my latest socks along. Since I had to wait almost an hour past my appt time, I got a lot done! I hope your appointment went well. Mine was good.
    Blessings and hugs,


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!