Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Yesterday was a very special day for my parents;  they celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary! This is the reason we are visiting this time!  They planted this tree last month when their great-grandson was here to help Dad plant the tree.

My sister purchased this plaque for them to commerate the occasion!
We went out to dinner at Canale's in Oswego, New York. (Bill and I, my parents, my sister and bil)
The lake was just beautiful at sunset time.
I did a little bit of rock hounding!
And then we had ice cream again!  
This is the lighthouse in Oswego where they have the HarborFest each year
Just so calm and peaceful....
And they still tease each other, laugh and enjoy their present 
while telling great stories of their past, too.

I wouldn't have missed this time for the world!


  1. How wonderful! What a gorgeous place. The tree is such a great idea. May they be blessed with many years to watch it grow together.

  2. How wonderful! They look so happy!

  3. Super huge Congrats!!! That is quite the milestone - so glad you all could be there to celebrate with them... but!!! Your folks don't look old enough to be married that long... Seriously!! Great genes!!!

  4. Congrats to your folks! They are way ahead of us.... Looks like they had a wonderful celebration.

  5. How wonderful to commemorate this milestone with them!

  6. So wonderful to be able to celebrate such an amazing milestone!!! Congratulations and so glad you were able to be there xx


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!