Tuesday, July 4, 2023


I broke up a blue beer bottle I had on my wall of colored glass in the lanai to put it in the glass tumbler.
It turned out beautifully!  Soft and safe to handle! 

And then I added half of a clear glass vase and have some pretty white glass now! I looked for some red to tumble to have ready today but found that 3 of the glass vases I have are all 'fakes' in that the glass is clear and they have been dyed.  They would tumble like the clear glass and lose all of the color.  I will have to go thrift store shopping to find one!  (or more! lol)
We might not have any fireworks this year but look at this cloud--it was huge but back lit by the sun perfectly!
The free glass is finished--a nice supply to put in another wooden bowl!
And my rocks from Washington are done, too, and in their own special bowl so that I can remember which ones they are without relying on my memory! 
One bobbin finished with the KnitPicks Stroll bare roving I died.  I hope to finish the other bobbin either today or tomorrow!


  1. You sure are busy with all your different projects! Happy 4th.

  2. Beautiful things to show and tell! The different textures of the glass pieces are just beautiful. (I will watch for true red glass — or other unique colors — for you!) -Marsel

  3. That tumbled glass is just gorgeous. I had no idea that could be done.
    Congrats on the bobbin finish. It's only day four and I'm more than halfway through the fiber I bought for this year. Either I've got to slow down or I have to go buy more fiber.

  4. You are so creative, and brave, too, to be smashing things! I love the way the glass polishes up, and wish you a Happy Fourth of July.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!