Sunday, July 30, 2023


This is my view when I want to watch a painting tutorial on YouTube!  She won't move until I get up and move toward her!  Stinker. 
I am on the last row of the doily-it takes forever because it has tons of picots!  It will be finished, blocked and starched next time you see it!  I've enjoyed each stitch of this project!
This hat is made with the leftover yarns from the baby blanket!  Since I got sick when home from NY, I didn't get to deliver the blanket.  Now I can include the hat to match!  I am still making hats-I just don't post about them!  I am making another large pile to take to the shelters when we get into December so they can be handed out in time for our January freezes!



  1. Ha, kitty knows how to get attention for sure.
    I was just thinking about your hats and wondering if you still make them.

  2. The crochet is so pretty!
    Mom's cat Winnie likes to sit in front of the TV too.

  3. Our George used to sit in front of the TV too. He knew it was a sure-fire way to get us to notice him and his wants. The doily is going to be great. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished. I would like to start some doilies once I get wedding and Christmas things done.
    Well done on the hats. It's always good to give things away. It does amazing things for the heart.
    Blessings and love,


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!