Thursday, July 27, 2023


I saw this pattern and  couldn't wait to make this doily! 
 It is designed for multiple colors but I knew I had some grey crochet cotton that would be just right!  I'm a little rusty at the small string and hook project but it is working out well overall. 
I am using a new-to-me cotton called Artiste Mercerized Egyptian Cotton. (#10)  I chose it for the color and it feels like any other crochet cotton I've ever used.  I'm using a number 7 steel hook.
And I am ready to begin the gusset increases on the new sock.  I'm doing a zig-zag up the side. Other than dropping my cable needle every few minutes, it is going well! In fact, I am on my second cable needle because the first one disappeared!  I  had tucked it in my watch strap to use on every other row, got up and did something in the kitchen and when I came back, no needle!  lol
And I even loaded and began a quilt on the frame! 
 Nice to have the house full of stitching again!


  1. Love the bright happy quilt - and the churn dash blocks!!! That crocheting is Beautiful!! its so delicate and lacy!

  2. I dropped a metal dblpt needle yesterday and spent a ridiculous time looking for it. I even got out my magnetic wand thing and even after I found it I managed to drop it again right off the wand. It was like a comedy skit, it was so ridiculous.

  3. Working with crochet thread is interesting. I’ve knit a few doilies over the years. It’s a challenge to handle the thin thread, but satisfying to have a beautiful doily in the end.

  4. Look at you go girl! The doily is beautiful. I almost always use ecru but the grey is beautiful. You're moving right along on the sock too. You get so much done.
    Blessings and love,


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!