Tuesday, August 1, 2023


Doilies like lace shawls must be blocked!
  I soak it, wring it out and pin it out on a board.
I spray it with starch and let it dry thoroughly. 
 When I was blocking it out, I realized I made a slight mistake-this has only 11 points and not 12.  When it was a wad in my lap,
 I never noticed.  I am not going to rip it out--
it is going to be unique!
 In fact, I am going to make another just like it 
for my other end table!


  1. Very pretty! Eleven is such a fun number, anyway… :) -Marsel

  2. It is lovely! I have a number of doilies that my Mom and Fletcher's Mom had. We also have some small ones that were starched to death and they are ornaments for our Christmas tree.

  3. What a beauty! Perfect for under your gorgeous wood bowls.

  4. It turned out perfectly. I can't wait to get my small hooks and thread out again. Your wood bowls show off the doily to perfection. Or is it the opposite? :-)

  5. I think it was meant to have eleven points!

  6. It's a lovely doily. I sometimes come up with a different number of points even if I crochet the same pattern over and over, but I figure no one knows but me. Since the smallest I go is mercerized cotton, I don't usually block anything as it seems to hold its shape better. I also usually do mostly simple patterns so that makes a difference, too.

  7. Beautiful! It looks great and is a real treasure.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!