Sunday, August 13, 2023


My friend, Mary, popped over to load up a baby quilt; she has more than half done and will pop back over soon to finish it!  Trip Around the World is always a pretty quilt!  
She even pieced the back in an interesting pattern to use up the pretty fabrics she bought for this one!
I think I have decided on the blue for a border to contain the colors.  There is also a blue and red and orange diagonal
 but the lime green steals the show! 
 Working with color is always educational!
Here is a close up and a very good photo of true colors;  it sure is cheerful.  I'm calling it the Skittles Quilt! lol
Lastly, I cut out four more  blocks worth of pieces for the Indigo and Linen quilt.  I will look forward to piecing them when  Mary comes Monday to finish her quilting!



  1. What sweet little quilts!!! I'm hoping to get some work done on mine since it will be beastly hot and humid today again. I hope to convince The Mister to not take Pup for our daily walk. It's awful out there.

  2. Those are very pretty fabrics on your friends quilt!

  3. Sweet Little quilt
    I like the idea of the blue borders for you gingham quilt!! it looks great!

  4. Hi! I like the blue for the borders on the auilt. How fun that you're having a goodtime getting so much accomplished on these hot days.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!