Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Yes, this has been the consistent temperature each day; 
 we did get 1/2" of rain last night 
but it doesn't exactly 'cool' down afterwards this time of year!  
So it is a good thing I have plenty of things to keep me busy indoors!  The doily on the left is two rows short of finished but I have run out of thread!  I do hope to make it to Hobby Lobby for some more and a few balls of another color to make the dolphin doily I wanted to make back in the winter!  
The neat thing about doilies is that they can be finished at several points in their making but often the last few rows make the truly finishing touches.  I wanted these to match so I am definitely going to work those last two rows!


  1. Hooo that is warm!!!!
    Beautiful Doilies!!!

  2. Impressive!! Is there any handcraft that you don't do? People here complain when it's in the eighties, and it is right now. We sure could use some rain though. It's been especially dry here this summer which means fire danger is high, too.

  3. We've had a few nice cool days in the 70's but it's heading back upwards now and we'll be pushing 100 by the end of the week. It seems this has definitely been a very hot summer for everyone.
    Your doilies are beautiful. I was at Hobby Lobby today. You should have told me earlier that you needed more thread.
    I'm finishing up my shawl for the wedding and hope to have it done tomorrow...after my mammogram. Fun times!
    I'm also hoping to do a blog post tomorrow. I've been trying for 3 days but have had lots of doctor appointment for Mom yesterday and today.
    Take care.

  4. The doilies are so pretty! I hear ya about finding things indoors to do. The Mister has been a bear from the boredom.
    We've had a break in the weather this morning so I've been out scrubbing the deck and the front porch from all the mold and crud that builds up in the heat. I still can't complain. This has been an unusually mild summer for us.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!