Wednesday, August 23, 2023


A good way to spend a few hours;  this rail fence quilt went together without drama and turned out so handsomely.  Now to tackle my quilting frame pile!  There are 5 quilts in the pile!  Have I mentioned that I do prefer piecing to quilting?!  
Eli and Bill brought me this bloom after their fishing trip out back yesterday morning!  I love these pond lilies!  Yes, there is a little blush of pink on several of the lowest petals.
Bill picked up some retaining wall blocks--he got a deal on the price and has an idea for the next 'project' to use them.   He has to pick up one more load to pick up to have enough blocks.  Time will tell!  Bill likes starting projects and not finishing so much.
I rarely have problems that way but yesterday all I wanted to work on was this dolphin doily instead of making sleeves for the baby sweater!!!!   I have a routine dr appt (to get results of my recent MRI) and I am bringing that sweater so I will be able to finish at least one sleeve!!!  I am determined!



  1. Fun to have a lot of projects! You've made nice progress on the dolphin doily.

  2. The water lilies are in bloom here too and they are so pretty. I love the contrast on your latest quilt. I too like piecing better than quilting. I've got a big sandwiching job to do today and I'm dreading it.

  3. Gorgeous water lily. The quilt went together really fast. I've never used a long arm quiliting machine. I would think it would take a lot of practice

  4. That quilt is cool!! with the circley print it really adds interest!! You made me laugh at Likes starting but not finishing... i get that haha!!! It will be cool to see what he does with all those blocks!

  5. Love the quilt! The fabrics and colors are beautiful together. Gorgeous water lily bllom.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!