Monday, August 21, 2023


I started the new dolphin doily!  It is an old pattern and let me say, the instructions are scanty-see the chart-that's it without a legend or key to know exactly what you are supposed to do!!!  I ripped it back twice but I think I have it now!  
It is worked from the middle out to each end.  I've done filet crochet before and it only had one dc in each space for a filled stitch--when the count didn't come out right the first time, I used my phone to magnify the picture greatly and saw they have 2 dc in each filet space--it made the difference!
And I am still working on the baby sweater--I am heading south on the first sleeve!  It has to be done by next Sunday so I have to take advantage of any downtime But---
We switched Ella for her brother so there is still a grandkid on the premises! lol


  1. The dolphin doily looks so intricate! Other than granny squares, I have not done any crochet.

  2. Oh, my....that doily looks so complicated. Lucky you to have a grandkid to spoil. Mine are all so far away I forget they exist

  3. That's going to be a cute doily! How fun for the grandkids to get solo time!

  4. How fun to have an assembly line of grandchildren! I've done lots of filet crochet and mine have all been 2 dc in each space. I'm hoping to make a few doilies when we get home from London. My gift drawer is almost empty. Yikes! Your doily looks really pretty and I'm looking forward to seeing it finished.

  5. I've done very little filet crochet. My stitching isn't very tight and I'm not a fan of small threads and hooks -- for some reason always thought it was done in sc which proves that I know nothing. I do know that reading charts is not my forte. Looks like you are moving right along now. The baby sweater is lovely. Enjoy grandkid time.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!