Friday, August 4, 2023


 Alexander Springs was incredible.  Easy swimming, occasional rocks and shells on the sandy bottom and even some fossils!  We packed another picnic lunch and plenty of drinks because it was sunny hot but the cold water kept us from feeling like we were cooking! lol  In the far back right there is a 40' deep spring which cast the brilliant turqoise color to the water!  There was a group of scuba divers who explored the 'well' and were underwater for about an hour!  We did see wildlife, too;  an ospry which dove in the water for fish and swooped just over our heads while doing so!  There were also a pair of otters and an alligator which cleared out a whole section of the water when he swam along the far side!  I also had an encounter with a snake as I was stepping onto the stairs--Bill yelled, "Watch out; snake!" I fell back out of the way but had  a surge of adrenaline which robbed me of a year, I'm sure!  It was the stuff of nightmares!  Would I go again? 
 In a heartbeat!  It was a wonderful time!  
The only sobering point about the visit was the fact that it cost $12 a person-even for the kids!  The other parks were $5 a car!  I will say that this price did produce a park
 that was NOT CROWDED!  


  1. Looks nice, but snakes and gators? No thank you!!!

  2. That was brave!! I remember that feeling when I was a kid splashing around in the bay when something crossed your leg. And that was before

  3. Looks like a fun but costly place to see. I'm not too excited about seeing snakes and alligators up close though. We saw one at a post office in FLA once, and that was close enough for me!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!