Monday, August 7, 2023

#1 and #2

The first re-sock is completed! I am much happier with this one!

I took notes which is a good thing because it is the best fitting sock I have ever made!  It is a toe-up sock and I make a gusset which I increased from a count of 32 to 56 and who knew an additional 4 increased stitches (for 4 more rows) could make such a difference!  Who says you can't improve on an old plan?!

I also began the second doily.  I had to do a great examination of the first one to see where I 'goofed' to end up with only 11 points instead of 12 so that the two doilies will match! lol  I found the row and I did comteplate ripping back the first one but gave that up!  I will make this one to match and have a pair of unique doilies instead!

And a month late, the red curcumin is in bloom!  With many more buds in sight, I will be enjoying these flowers until and if, we have a frost!  (which is hard to imagine with the recent high temps!)



  1. The red Curcumin is gorgeous! Nice job on the dock and doily!

  2. I love that sock!! Almost makes me wait to get out my sock yarn and cast on, almost! Maybe that will be a winter activity? But then again it would be perfect for boating, small and portable!

  3. That's a great looking sock! One of the reasons I'm no fan of crochet is because I can't keep count to save my life. I can't tell you how many Audun squares I had to fudge to get to come out right.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!