Sunday, August 6, 2023


I finally managed to crochet a bucket hat with the linen
which I had spun a few years ago.  
My first attempt on knitting without a pattern resulted
 in a floppy brim hat which I didn't want!
The next attempt ws almost better but it wasn't classy enough and still had ripples instead of a flat brim.
I gave up on the self-designing and hunted through a ton of free hat patterns to find one with just the right yarn, too. 
 The pattern stitches  for ventilation are just the touch that set this pattern above the others;  and now it's mine!


  1. What a great use for some handspun! I never wore a hat much in the summer but now one's a must. I never knew what I was missing all these years of not being able to see outside.

  2. All lovely projects you've got going!! I do like the socks better as plain knitting, lovely colors. And the hat is too cute!! Will you tumble the rocks Bill dove for?

  3. Oh how cool is that!! and they are so fashionable right now!!!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!