Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Yes, we are in the cone of the next hurricane.  We spent yesterday getting ready for it to hit and importantly, ran the generator to be sure it was all ready, too! 
 (If you draw a diagonal from Tampa to Jax, we are on that line, closer to Jax than Tampa.)
I finished the quilting on the rail fence quilt
 and cut out the binding.  
Today, I will have two bindings to apply!
Before I left the studio last night, I loaded up the girl's quilt, picked out the panto and threaded it with yellow thread and bobbin! 
 All is ready for me today while the rains move in!
Look at the orchid again! 
 She bloomed from January to July and already pushed out a flower stem in the beginning of August.  And it opened yesterday!
I put it in the dining room but already I miss it; 
 I love waking up to this in my bedroom window!


  1. You definitely have the orchid thing figured out better than I do…none of my orchids have rebloomed yet! Glad you are prepared for the hurricane. ♥️ -Marsel

  2. Gorgeous orchid. Stay safe - hoping the storm is not as bad as predicted.

  3. Oh, dear....I'll be watching the coverage and thinking of you and hoping for the best. I hate those I named storms. Irene and Isabelle nailed us good. I've still got the debris piles to prove it. Stay safe.

  4. Hope the storm isn't too bad! Beautiful orchid! One of mine is putting up a bloom stem again!

  5. My orchid just quit blooming a few days ago when the last bloom that's been there since January dropped off. I cut the stem today so we'll see what happens. Last time it re-bloomed with a new stem almost immediately.
    I sure hope the storm weakens before it hits land but it doesn't sound like it will does it? Take care of yourself and I'll be praying for you.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!