Thursday, August 10, 2023


I managed to sew the remaining pieces for  the gingham rail fence quilt.  I will be sewing the blocks together today!
I plan to cut out some more pieces for the Indigo and linen stars;  we'll see if it will be a table runner or a lap quilt! lol
And another apron just popped right from under the needle-I have two more cut out and ready to sew, too.  I have several friends that I will gift these to!


  1. That is a lovely apron and you have very lucky friends! :-) The quilts are coming along nicely too. Isn't it nice to have plenty of indoor projects too on these hot, hot days of summer?

  2. The aprons are beautiful! You should keep an extra one at your house for when I come and we do messy art projects together! 😁 -Marsel

  3. Those indigo stars are really pretty. You've got such a good eye for matching up patterns and fabric.

  4. Love the apron - looks very Asian inspired. The rail quilt makes me dizzy!! LOL

  5. Aprons make perfect gifts. The fabric of the one in the photo is beautiful.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!