Friday, July 6, 2018

The Mighty has Fallen

 The men in the house have been down with a stomach bug so OJ has found a quiet place to hide.
(the skin people were sick not the fur ones....)
 This guy used to have a brother who was grey and white...and this is how they would sleep.
Sweet, huh?!
(He is cuddled with Ethan's KitKat)
 Nyki is always on the hunt-this guy was discovered by Nyki and reduced to naught by moi.
 And a little kntting has been going on--this is my progress on the Sweater 101 class.
 Bill, when he was feeling better earlier in the week, 
felled the great cedar growing just outside our pool area.
It was messy and when he began to dig it out
 discovered that there were tree sized roots heading into the house foundation
 and the pool - we are glad it is down.
 The boys thought it was a great adventure to have a 20' crater in the yard!
 And a little forest to play in, too!
These are some of the treasures we found 6' under the ground near the tree-most of the glass was broken but we found these bottle intact.  According to their manufacturing numbers, they are from the 1930's.  Pretty cool, aren't they?!


  1. Buried treasure! Doesn't it make you wonder about the stories the bottles and the tree could tell? I love the photo of the little supervisors.

  2. That was quite a job. Tree wrangling is no fun. We need about 20 taken out and it's going to cost us a fortune.
    I hope everyone is feeling better soon. Tummy bugs are the worst.

  3. Why are those bottles there? Such a mystery! Hope everyone is feeling better!

  4. Hope the "skin" people are feeling better soon.

    Cool finds in the hole.

  5. Kitties are so cute!
    And that's some great buried treasure!

  6. Love the kittie pics... and hope all the sick folks get better soon :) xx

  7. Love the bottles and the photo of your darling cat all cuddled with the toy. Hope everyone is feeling better.

  8. That picture of Nyki is a riot! It is so funny that I would think it was staged, except that I know she never cooperates for pictures! Lol. Those bottles are very cool.

    I hope the stomach cooties are completely gone soon...stay healthy yourself...!

  9. How did those bottles stay intact? WOW


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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...