Saturday, July 14, 2018

Sunshine and a Sock Blank

 We had some errands to run in St Augustine but afterwards,
 we went to the little splash park by the beach with our lunch.
 The boys had just as much fun stopping up the nozzles as they did running in the spray!
 We moved on to the beach when their attention waned 
and found a wonderful bit of shade under the pier.
 It has been repaired after the hurricane damage last Fall.
 While the lumber is all new, the pylons are pretty flaky and bleeding rust!
 Will threw his ball and chased it in the surf for a long time.
 Ethan was more interested in engineering sand castles. 
 Look at the clouds building in the northern horizon. 
 It always does us good to have a visit to the beach!
 When we arrived home and emptied the car of all the beach duffle, 
I took a few moments to play with the knitting machine.
This is a skein of sock yarn, which I caked and then caked again so I could knit with double strands.
This will enable me to make two matching socks from one skein.
The sock blank is 16 1/2" square-I will eventually be able to fine tune the gauge 
to match that of the actual sock knitting gauge. 
I'm building confidence at the knitting machine-able to fix mistakes is a sign of progress!
It is definitely speedier and has a rhythm of its own which is pleasing.
 I will enjoy dyeing this blank in either a gradation or in a summer splash of  color;
  I haven't decided for sure yet!


  1. Sock blanks are so much fun. I used to knit them and let Daddio dye them. You can't go wrong dying a sock blank. They always turn out to be something fabulous.

  2. I still haven't cleaned my knitting machine - last time, when I ran out of bought blanks I knitted one by hand:( talking about using your time sensibly:) but it worked great - I tried to paint a sunset from a photo - to have it knitted up similarly in a sock. background the sunset, foreground the silhouette of a tree in black. haven't done the actual knitting though - too many ideas and no extra sets of working hands! I did try to match the sock circumference for the blank - which is pretty easy if you knit it by hand...

  3. A little beach time is good for EVERYONE!!!! Looks like the boys really enjoyed St. Augustine.

    (One of my favorite places in Florida too.)

  4. Splash parks look like a lot of fun: I would have loved that when I was a child.

    Eager to see how you dye the sock blank.

  5. I wish they had had those parks in Daytona when the girls were younger. They finally started adding them as they were older and not so into that level of entertainment. Sometimes I think about just going myself!

  6. Your day at the beach looks like so much fun. I wish splash parks had been around when my two were little.
    A knitting machine would be one way to knit down my stash!

  7. That pier looks like a wonderful place to play!

  8. What a lovely day at the beach! So much fun with the littlies! Your knitting machine looks interesting... looking forward to seeing the socks you make! xx

  9. Wish we could meet you at the beach!! Looks like lots of fun!


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