Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Give it a Try

 I am trying to make a summer tank on the knitting machine;
a maiden voyage! 
 After a few false start, it moved right along-even with decreases happening for waist shaping!
I made a swatch first-no skipping this step when you are working on the knitting machine!
After a ton of counting, and averaging, I found my gauge. 
And then the work began!  
The math wasn't hard but there was a lot to think about!
I hope I have all the bugs worked out for this but if not,
 it is pretty easy to rip out and try again.
I am going to conquer this!


  1. Look at those beautiful stitches!

  2. Cool! How long have you had a knitting machine? What else have you made using it?

  3. Once the prototype is finished, you'll have a drawer full of sweaters.

  4. Very cool. I really admire people who understand how those work!

  5. Wow. IVe never known someone who knit by machine. Fascinating

  6. That looks like a lot of work. I am sure that all that planning and math will pay off in the end. I need to take a page out of that book! I tend to just start knitting.

  7. That is a lot of math for summer vacation! :) Fun to try new stuff, though!


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