Sunday, July 15, 2018

Wool 'n Silk

 I started out the day with another few hours of spinning and it was very relaxing.
 I had plenty of company!  We all like the sunshine from inside!
 The bobbin filled up pretty quickly with the 2 ply yarn.
 The next step is to wind it into a skein from the bobbin.  
I can also count the rotations to figure out the yardage for the new skein.
 I then tie off four points  to keep the skein under control while soaking and drying.  
It also keeps it neat when it is skeined  until I knit with it!
I now have enough yarn for a luxury pair of socks!

On a funny note, I use string to tie off the four 'corners' of the skein--
string that I save from cat food bags and from the bird seed bags!  


  1. Isn't it nice to start your day by spinning? I should do it all the time. Lovely yarn. It will make a nice pair of socks!

  2. Beautiful yarn. I love that you save and use the string from feed bags.

  3. It is sooo lovely!!! It will make gorgeous socks.

  4. Hey .... waste not, want not, right???

    That yarn is a lovely blue!

  5. That yarn is beautiful. Looks like Caribbean water! I like the picture of cat supervisors in the sunshine, too!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....