Monday, July 2, 2018

Framing the LeMoyne Star

 It is loaded and I managed to stitch one row of the panto to anchor the layers in place.
This is the pantograph I am using on this quilt, too.
I am using pastel variegated thread.
 It is a very subtle and sweet design in the lighter thread.
I have to tuck it up for night time.
When it is down, kids and cats love to play in the 'tent' of the layers!
(I float my top and batting-this is the only draw back I have found to this technique! lol)

Today is my 2,222nd post!
How cool is that?!
I'm thinking a giveaway would be a good idea!


  1. Happy 2's!!!!!! Your quilt is just lovely. I love the white backround .All the colors pop!

  2. Oh....I am so excited to see that one finished! I have always loved it.

  3. Another beautiful quilt!!!!

    Happy 2,222!!!

  4. The quilt is stunning and cheerful. Wow, 2,222 posts is fabulous. I should check my posts.

  5. Such a bright and happy quilt! Happy 2x4!

  6. How pretty! It will be a lovely quilt once done. I think a giveaway sounds great! How about a Lemoyne Star quilt? LOL

  7. Gorgeous quilt! Love it. And wow! That's a lot of posts!!! Congratulations on both!

  8. Lol. Every time mom is working on her long arm, I get a video or picture of Winnie running in and out of the layers.

  9. How would we get anything done without “help” from our cats?! Can’t wait to see this work of art all finished!


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