Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Southdown Skein

 I wound this off the bobbin early this morning...it is balanced and beautiful!
This is a down breed and so the yarn is soft, super squishy, bouncy and lofty.
I have started plying the last on the bobbins.....another skein will follow later today.

We have had a relapse of the vomiting by the youngest--it makes for a bit of confusion and disruption but I am hoping for a nap time later today so I can do some work on the frame.
I do so like being home for a change!


  1. Beautiful yarn! I am in awe of your many talents.

  2. So pretty and so soft looking. Nice job!

  3. That looks quite squishable, even from where I'm sitting!

    Hoping the little one feels better soon.

  4. Such a pretty yellow.

    Hope your little one is feeling better soon.

  5. Poor thing, hope he is better soon. Lovely yarn! Dye, no dye? plans for patterns?

  6. I have never done Southdown. It looks amazing.

  7. Yikes, I am waaay behind here! Oh well, better late than never... Lovely yarn!


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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...