Monday, July 16, 2018

A Good Little Yarn To Be

 Next on the spinner is some superwash bare roving which I dyed when we had the swap.
 I split the roving down the middle the whole length and wound it into two bundles for spinning.
And away I go on the spinning!  
This will make good yarn for a pair of socks....
or a sweet little shawl!


  1. It's so much fun to spin your own dyed fiber!

  2. It looks so different on the bobbin. I can't wait to see what it all looks like once you skein it up OR when you knit it up.

    Have fun ---- keep spinning!!!

  3. My first reaction was--I KNOW THAT YARN! And I have a FO to prove it!

  4. Your spinning wheel is getting a workout this summer! Love the colors in this yarn.

  5. Pretty colours - will be fun to watch that spin and knit up!

  6. For some reason it makes me think of a parrot? Pretty.

  7. I just love the look of multicolored enticing!


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