Wednesday, July 4, 2018

What's New?!

 I tried The Incredible Sweater Machine 30 years ago but had the itch to try it again.
I watched a bunch of videos by Cheryl Brunette
 and I was ready to put it together
I did it!  I have high hopes to both knit sweaters with this and for making sock blanks for dyeing.
It was nice to conquer and to play! 
 I also bought some cotton and linen bare yarns so I can try Procion dyes for plant fabrics.
I have tons of cotton for spinning that will now have color so it won't be so boring!
And I couldn't resist this quilt kit because it is in oranges and blues;   I don't love and adore sports at all but these are the colors of both Syracuse and now Gainesville--and it is a great color combo!

Now to find the time to actually use these crafts!


  1. Wow, these are some fresh and fun new additions to your crafting supplies!!

  2. I almost bought that quilt kit myself! I love those colors. I can't wait to see how it turns out for you.

  3. I can't keep up with everything you do! Using the machine for sock blanks is brilliant!

  4. I cant wait to see your blanks get colored

  5. My Mom had a machine like that when I was a kid. She used to make kids sweaters for a consignment shop. She'd do the sweater on the machine, then duplicate stitch designs on them.

  6. You'll be keeping yourself VERY busy!!!

  7. You've got some great stuff to keep you busy!!! (Sorry I am sending so many comments at one go... I am catching up!!!) xx

  8. Looks like you will have lots of fun with these new projects.


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