Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A Tale of Two Bindings

 The frog quilt has taken its final leap!  
 The quilting lines are a loose meander of a dragonfly in flight!  
The double layers of fabric on the darker background blocks caused the machine to rebel
 but the stitches look good and it is all done!
This one will go to the hospital donation pile.
 The binding is also on the LeMoyne Star Rainbow quilt. 
It wasn't so difficult to execute the actual sewing but the size of the quilt did give me pause.
Hauling back and forth to stitch the curves on such a big and heavy quilt made me 
remember why I usually work on small quilts now!  
Enough grumbling!
The quilt is finished and it is very pretty and pleasing to me!  
It is the sized for a queen bed.
I started this quilt last year in January so it has been a long-term project that is now complete!
This one will stay with me for a while.


  1. I love the frogs - someone will be very happy to receive this! do they collect the quilts for sick kids? and when I look at the star quilt it doesn't look that big - with nothing to compare the size to it could just as well be a miniature:) from afar it looks a bit like a mosaic... it would take me far more than a year to complete something like this - if ever!

  2. I love the dragonfly quilting on the frog quilt. That is so perfect! And the LeMoyne Star Rainbow Quilt is a stunner.

  3. Both are beautiful! Congratulations on two fine finishes. I love the frog one (especially since we now have Froggy living by our water feature) and the dragonfly quilting is PERFECT for that.

  4. The frogs are cute, but the star is beautiful!! It should stay forever!!!

  5. Bravo! Both of these quilts a beautiful. I adore the star quilt with the scalloped edge.

  6. You are so talented! I love the frog one and the dragonfly pattern is so cool! And the colors on the traditional quilt really elevate it! I love it too!

  7. Two beauties!!!! You are going to donate the frogs? After all that work? You are amazing.

  8. The little dragonflies are so cute!!! Congrats on BOTH finishes!

  9. Could you give that quilt as a raffle or silent auction at your favorite charity? IT IS SO AWESOME. I bet it would fetch a great price.

  10. Wow! Wonderful finishes! Once again, the curves of the scalloped border around the angular blocks are just so pleasing. Big accomplishments! (The frog quilt is so much fun, and somebody is going to be so excited to receive it...but if I were you, I would not be sorry to say goodbye to all of those little froggy fingers!)


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