Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat

 A victory dance transpired when I pulled the LeMoyne Star quilt off the frame!
Now to cut the scalloped borders-I will use the circle template and the rotary cutter 
I draw the lines with an air erasable marker! 
 The finish line is close!
 There was quite a different dance when I pulled the back of the summer tank 
off the knitting machine! 
 I had been feeling that 'knitter's intuition' for quite a while telling me it was too big;
when off and laying on the floor,
 I could see that it would fit a size 44" bust but not mine.
I will say, I learned how to do all kinds of trouble-shooting during this exercise and I survived!
 I read the appropriate chapter in this new book  once again
 (it is for hand knitters but still applies for what I am doing) .
 If you want to really up your game for knitting garments that fit, invest in this book!  
You will be designing in no time or at least have a better understanding of where you need
to tweak the pattern you knit!
I made a new instruction sheet-I will be tackling the summer tank again soon!!!!
I might me on my knees but not down for the count!


  1. Oh wow, look at that! I'm impressed you got something that looks like a sweater. You're close!

  2. Ooo! That book looks good!! It's going on my wish list on Amazon. I would love to design a sweater using some of the yarns I have in my stash.

  3. That quilt is gorgeous! And, of course, the only way you can learn is to try...try, try, again. It does look nice though!

  4. one down, one to go:) but the quilt looks gorgeous!! don't you have someone in the family, who could wear the top? I know you can frog, but I find it annoying to rip and start all over again:( wouldn't be the first project where I loose momentum, when it doesn't work out - and have an ufo in a bag somewhere for ages...

  5. Well, the good thing about knitting is can usually recover the yarn and start all over again.

    Hope the SECOND time is the charm.

  6. Sorry about the fit but as Dee said, frogging is our friend. The quilt is sublime!

  7. At least the time you invested in knitting the sweater on the machine is a fraction of the time it would have taken you to hand-knit it. Your second try will be successful.

    Love the quilting on your star quilt.

  8. Win some, get off track with some, but definitely not lose, because it can all be redone! Good luck with your calculations.

  9. Or I could just be a baby and let my mother do all of the tricky knitting for me! Lol


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