Friday, April 16, 2021

A Finally FO

I started this way too long ago; 
 ran into yarn supply problems, twice.  
That's one of the problems of dealing with a 'scrap' yarn project.
 The colors are way more jewel tone than appears here but this is all I have.  The yarn is from Mary Maxim, Prism, a single ply yarn with a G hook.  The afghan is 40" x 55".


  1. I remember that! Congrats on the finish!!

  2. I remember this one too. Gorgeous!! Congratulations on a beautiful finish.

  3. So pretty! I remember you working on this. I have the same pattern and began a blanket but didn't like the colors I had chosen, so I turned it into a small version of it for a "fiddle blanket" for a nursing home.
    Have a happy Friday!
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Yay for a yarn finish! I need to get going to have one of those myself. It's been way too long.

  5. Very pretty. The "pieces" are an interesting shape. Congrats on a gorgeous finish.


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 The top is completed; 64" x 74". Now for piecing top number two while it is fresh  in my mind! And that is what I will be doing  ...