Tuesday, April 13, 2021

So Much Love

The last of the afternoon sun shines beautifully down the many paths in the woods;  how inviting.
The reward to the walk this week is mulberries!  They are the size of your thumb-so sweet!
We enjoyed a visit from these guys this afternoon--
the best sailors! 
             A campfire with marshmallows this time, too!             
Ready for the ride home in their pj's....
until next time, hugs and memories were made!


  1. What fun! I used to pick mulberries when I was a little kid - trees were in the school yard. My hands would get so stained!!

  2. We used to eat any berries we could find. And honeysuckle! Oh the memories of those childhood days. Looks like you are storing up memories to last a lifetime!

  3. Oooh, mulberries! The paths in the woods look inviting and fun to explore.

  4. I can't wait to be with my family!! Two more weeks and I'm getting me some hugs.

  5. Looks like you're making the most of every minute!

  6. Love that last picture, everyone looks so happy to be together. Wonderful! In Washington, people didn't think mulberries were real, but we had huckleberries up in the mountains if you could get them before the bears did. I remember picking mulberries and eating them right off of the bush here in Nebraska as a child. Mom always knew we'd been eating them because of the purple lips and hands!


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