Saturday, April 3, 2021


I worked on my QOV mystery quilt and made 3 of the 12 blocks.  More will get built today!
I put the two pots of tulips right outside my door so they brighten my view and everyone else's, too!
And look at this beauty all the way from NY--my heliopsis which is now 5 feet tall and covered in the beginnings of many flowers!  I'm so excited not only that it lived but it has adjusted to a very different climate!  (needless to say, she wasn't affected by the many frosts we had in January! lol)

And my Phalaenopsis (orchid) is open at last!  I remember how encouraging it was to see this on my windowsill last year.  I will enjoy these flowers for months now!


  1. It's not quite tulip weather here yet and I am anxious to see if any of the ones I transplanted from Dad's bloom. They send up green leaves but that's about it. The daffodils around them bloom profusely so I am not sure what's going on.

  2. Wow, beautiful blooms! You have a green thumb. I haven’t started the mystery yet, but I’m saving the clues.

  3. Lovely flowers! Those tulips are just fiery!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!