Wednesday, April 21, 2021

BlueBird House #2

And then there were TWO! 
 I made the lighter one from the pallet wood 
I stacked a few weeks ago. 
 I also made the back shorter to try out different designs.
As usual, the second bluebird house went together 
much more quickly and easily! 
 Very enjoyable!
As long as I was in the area, I finished the bowl on the lathe,
 a grapefruit bowl again.
This bowl doesn't have the orange coloring in this section of wood but it does include spalting 
and a good grain pattern. 
 I also kept the irregularities in two spots on the rim.  
The bowl is 5.5" wide and 2.5" tall.
I worked for house to catch up on the Dakota Inspired QAL; 
 I had to make 8 more red blocks which I did 
and then sewed them into diagonal rows according to instructions--with only a two more to do--no, I didn't miss a row-
it is stacked and ready to tackle first thing in the morning 
so I will be able to then prepare for clue #8!


  1. I can see you setting up a stand at our farmer's market and making a fortune selling your wooden
    That quilt is just unbelievable. I can't imagine who thinks up such things.

  2. Who knew that grapefruit wood was so gorgeous inside the bark?! I think it is my favorite of all the woods you’ve done so far.

  3. You certainly are still keeping busy! I agree with Marsel that the grapefruit wood is just so beautiful. The quilt is pretty - and looks complicated!

  4. How do you possibly get so much done? The birdhouses will make some little bluebirds very, very happy.
    The bowl is beautiful. I always find the fact that each woodgrain is so different is what makes the bowls so pretty. I agree with Deb. You cold make a fortune selling them and use it to finance all of your hobbies! Love that quilt. Iam amazed by how intricate it is.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. What awesome bird houses!!! and yay for your mystery - its looking awesome!

  6. Your mystery quilt is progressing nicely. I’ve saved all the clues and will probably make one this summer.


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