Tuesday, April 20, 2021

For the Birds!

Since I was in town yesterday for the eye appt and lab work,

 I stopped in to Home Dept and purchased a single picket to see if I liked making a bluebird house. 

I did like it-even more than I had hoped!

In spite of a chop saw that wouldn't turn off
 except by unplugging it...

BTW, I need to remember to back the car out of the garage

  the next time I use the saw!

     I managed to follow directions and cut my pieces to size.

It was so much easier to follow directions for the angles with this saw than trying to figure it out on my own when making the decorative birdhouse!

There is a second piece in the bottom of the house, accessed through the side panel that is hinged for easy cleaning,
 is so I can easily remove the old nesting materials 
after the first clutch has fledged.

               In no time, I had all of the pieces together 

and wished I had bought TWO pickets! 

I will be putting the bluebird houses up in pairs near the gopher tortoise holes so I will begin to attract the birds to the houses but I can still see them from my house!


  1. Well done!
    Dad had his woodworking toys in the garage too and his truck always had to be dusted off before we could take it out for a drive.

  2. Cute! Colin & Mailing have bluebirds nesting at their home!!

  3. Nice!
    My best friends Mom has a bluebird house, and her bluebirds come back every year!

  4. Nice job on the Bluebird house. A few years ago the County Extension agents were encouraging people to hang them on fence posts.

  5. Oh how fun. What a nice house you made. Let us know about the bluebirds.


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