Friday, April 23, 2021

Fixing Things

I did a bit of sewing this morning;  all of the setting triangles are sewn in and rows are being joined!
I ripped out the last two rows and made the long white posts stand up straight!
And then Bill joined me to work on the baseboard! I can't believe how it finished the room!  It matches the flooring and cupboards beautifully.  
Sigh with exhaustion--we had a bit of trouble with our 45* cuts but think we have it down now--since we have the whole house to do, we will have lots of practice!  Super was late but welcome.
 I ripped out the first start on this sweater because I realized the problems I was having with gauge was because I bought the wrong yarn!  I bought DK but needed Worsted Weight!  I love the new quicker delivery process from Webs--new yarn is here and I will start over today....


  1. Oh, those baseboard cuts. I know them well. None of our floors and walls are level so it's always a challenge.

  2. Baseboards really do finish a room! I remember helping my Dad with them in our old house.

  3. Everything is looking good!! My last yarn order was from Webs and the delivery was so speedy!!

  4. Back from falling off the earth and oh my! You have been so busy! Love the bowl, birdhouse, blanket start and QAL! But better than all that is time spent with those boys! Something I may be experiencing in the near future....Shh, don't tell anyone. LOL


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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...