Monday, April 26, 2021

A Setback

I spent all of Saturday working on the baseboards...worked too long and really used up my energy,  Foolish but I wanted to get things done!

I went to church on Sunday and slept the rest of the day!  I didn't have much of anything lest in me.
I woke up on Monday feeling much rested and ready to join life again!  I cleaned the house-floors vacuumed and washed and kitchen spiffed---I was ready to tackle the baseboards again.  I've gotten really good art knowing which angle to cut the boards now without confusion...I was feeling really good about it!
And then while banging in the last nail today....the picture framed on rhe wall crashed down and acted like a guillotine on my left forefinger and my nail lost!  I had to call a friend to drive me to the Urgent Care ctr and they had closed just minutes before and sent me to the ER...grrrrrr. (Bill was out of town for a golf date)  

 Nyki is comforting new carpenter's career has met with a setback!  I can't knit!  I'm really on recliner duty!


  1. Ouch!! I did that with my thumb a few years back and was in a splint for months. Losing nails is awful and takes forever to heal. I did learn to work around it. After it felt better I could knit just fine splint and all. Couldn't do dishes though or wash my own hair which wasn't too

  2. So sorry for your accident...try to embrace the slower pace for a few days and let your body enjoy a break! The baseboards look great, by the way.

  3. Oh Yikes and OUCH!!! That's a real set back for you. I hope it heals quickly and isn't bothering you too much. Take care.

  4. Yikes! I'm so sorry that you have hurt yourself so badly. Di you end up with stitches too? Sit back and read a book. Relax! I'll be praying for quick healing.
    Blessings and a big hug,

  5. P.S. The basesboards look WoNdErFuL!!!

  6. Oh dear! I’m glad you were able to find someone to take you to the ER. Take care of yourself.

  7. Oh no! Hope it's not out of commission for too long!

  8. Oh no!!! It's always something!

  9. Oh no!!! It's always something!


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