Friday, April 23, 2021

Baseboards and Quilting Corners!

Yesterday was another day we were away from home most of the day.  We stopped at Home Depot and bought a ton of baseboard and quarter round so I will finally have some in each of my rooms!  Guess what I will be doing for a few hours each week!
I also had a doctor's appt to take care of a suspicious 'spot' on my arm (froze it off) and to discuss my swollen and painful hands.  (will be going to a Rheumatologist to discuss Psoriatic Arthritis) but we did go out for a late lunch on the way home for a good reward.
After a rest, I did cut out the corner blocks for the Mystery QAL-don't they really set off the other blocks!?!
I can't wait to add them to the rows and get this top done and on the frame!
I also finished the center medallion on the crocheted afghan.  I don't like the way my front posts lean back on each side except the one on the right so I will be ripping out this morning and setting them level!  I sure have gotten my mileage out of these 17 rows! lol


  1. Still makes me think of the Southwest and Santa Fe when I look at your crochet project. Very pretty! Glad you got the arm spot taken car of.

  2. Baseboards.....not my favorite home improvement job. We have so much we need to put down too if we ever get that blasted floor done. The will to finish that kitchen has left us. Maybe it's spring fever or the need to get out. Hopefully when the really hot weather gets here we will be ready to get back to work.

  3. You do need to take care of your hands. Just look at all of the things you love to do...they all involve using your hands. I'm glad you got that spot taken care of. That's really important.
    You really have used and reused that yarn haven't you? :-)

  4. Hmmm You should come do woodwork at my house ;-) Love your Dakota Inspired!!! it looks so lovely!!

  5. Ooo, you really kept up with the QAL..almost done! Hope you get those hands well taken care of so you can continue with the woodwork, quilting and crochet.


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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...