Thursday, April 8, 2021

One More Big Sleep...

I painted the other end of the shuffleboard...
taping it first took the most time!
Once finished, I enjoyed painting and sealing the purchased bird house and then I sprayed the one I built; 
 I will show it hung up tomorrow.
I took a half log and loaded it on the lathe
 to make a grapefruit bowl.
It had some of the beautiful orange wood, too,  It so nicely;  it felt good to take 20 minutes of leisure at the lathe again!  The work is almost done----my parents are coming for a visit, being accompanied by my sister and her husband!  It has been 17 months since I have seen them! 
 I can't wait to sit and bask in their company-in person!


  1. The birdhouse is just adorable!
    How exciting to see family again. I've been playing the scene over and over in my head of when I finally get to see mine again. I can't wait.

  2. What fun to have family visit - ENJOY!!!!!

  3. How wonderful that your parents and sister are coming for a visit. I know you’ll have a great time together.

  4. Cute house!
    Im glad you can see your family again. Things are a real mess here. Most seniors in homes have been vaccinated, and some nurses and doctors, but that's about it. Sigh... numbers are going through the roof.

  5. Love the birdhouse and can't wait to see the new bowl. I got the tracing you made for me, Thank you!!! Enjoy your time with family.


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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...