Saturday, March 5, 2022


I've done a row or two every day and I finally did the last one!  
I took it off the frame and wrapped it up for delivery. 
 (This twin-sized top was given to me to quilt
 because it will be a raffle quilt for the QOV group)
I used a large Baptist fan pantograph. 
 I miss putting the binding on it and tossing it right into the washer/dryer to see its wrinkles, 
but I will pass it on to the next in the line to bind it
 and then the next lady who labels them!  


  1. It looks wonderful. I can't believe how you can do so much with your hand. I also think it's wonderful that everyone takes a turn with a job in completing the quilts. Teamwork! It works every time.

  2. It looks fantastic. Sorry to hear you have a poorly hand, sending you healing vibes.
    I've just restarted my blog at , would be lovely to see you over there :)

  3. That’s a beautiful quilt pattern!

  4. How beautiful! I know what you mean about binding and washing. It's my favorite part of the process.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.