Thursday, March 10, 2022


It took all day, but the binding did go on one of the kids' quilts.  
It was much harder doing it than I anticipated. 
 And my right hand wouldn't stay in my lap 
and kept trying to pull that binding into place and it hurt! lol  
I will get to the other quilt a bit at a time today 
but I will not expect to get it done all at once! 
Bill brought me some roses to brighten my day--he knows how hard I am trying to be a patient patient!


  1. I can't believe you even tried to do that with one hand!

  2. I've just had a look back through many of your posts and see that there's no stopping your delighted hands. :) I'm amazed at how much you manage to do when you are still nursing your hand/wrist. Take care.

  3. Beautiful roses and pretty quilts. Take it easy!!! You don't want to make things worse....

  4. What Vera said! I was just going to tell you to slow down so it doesn't get worse. Meanwhile, the quilt is so sweet and Bill is a gem for getting you the roses.

  5. Ugh. It's so tough to not do the things we want to! Love the roses. I bought another mini in a pot at the store the other day. As soon as the weather warms up, I'll plant her outside

  6. Beautiful roses.
    You are so not a patient patient!!! haha!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.