Saturday, September 3, 2022


I have most of the second round to make the lattice work on the border done.  We did head into town and got our new credit cards and I worked on it up and back yesterday.  It takes most of the 50G skein to go around the border each time! But It is pleasureable and forgiveable to work each round
.  I didn't sleep well last night and had a killer headache which sapped me of most of my energy. 
 I didn't do much after we got home.
After a nap,  I went out to the garage and did a bit of sanding and then I filled the large worm holes with Milliput which is a two-part epoxy putty that I mixed by hand and then pushed it into the holes.  Usually, I leave the worm holes but they were too deep and when I hollow out the inside of the bowl, I knew it would catch and not cut evenly.  This looks dull and ugly now but after it dries overnight, I will sand and polih it to look great!
  Trust me! lol  Here's to a good day!


  1. I hate headaches like that. I had one last week and it ate up almost a whole day.

  2. So much good things accomplished in spite of the headache! I had one last week too but thankfully it didn't last more than a night.

  3. That blanket is going to be a stunner and I'm really looking forward to seeing the bowl when it's done. I'm sorry about the headache. They seem to be hitting a lot of people this week. With my med change I've had a dull one for three days now. We have got to get Mom's house taken care of and I'm down with back spasm's today. Unfortunately, we're not getting much help from other family members besides Mandy. Grrrrr.


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I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...