Thursday, September 8, 2022


And the Dolphin Quilt is completed!  I finally left the lathe alone and attached the binding, put it in the washer and dryer so it is completely completed!
The hearts and wind are just the look I wanted.
I ordered the backing fabric from JoAnns' and it arrived last night so I will be loading it right up on the frame today to get it started but I might have to design my own panto for this one--I want dragon scales but I can't find just what I want.  Do I have the mental capacity to desin my own?  


  1. FABULOUS!!!
    and yes!! Yes I think you do!!! Go for it!!!

  2. How lovely! That border is perfect. You can almost hear them splashing.

  3. Bravo! You can do anything you set your mind to do - dragon scales are no exception.

  4. It looks amazing! I bet the dragon will too.

  5. Yes, you do. You can do dragon scales. You are so talented.
    The dolphins are so lovely. The border is perfect for them


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.