Tuesday, November 1, 2022


The first thing I did after a slow start of the day yesterday, was to clean and do laundry, etc.  When I crashed after lunch, I played with the Yoda babies--I took their arms off and took off their collars!  Then I put the arms in a better position and did a better job of securing the collars.  Yup, they look better to me, and that is what counts!  Especially when I want to make more!  I also made a man sized hat with some yarn I found when digging for something else!  That ever happen to you?!
  I even added little tags to eash of them! 

 I am off to the doctor's for a check-up today. 
 At least Bill is driving me so I can work on the sweater while we drive there and back!  I am trying to recover from the 5" I ripped out....


  1. There's been a lot of ripping going on here this week too. It must be something in the air. Sigh....

  2. Sorry I haven't posted for so long. These are such cute little critters! You are right, ripping must be in the air. I am working on a shawl and x-stitch and have done plenty of ripping on both of them. Sigh.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....