Tuesday, April 18, 2023


At the frame, the first QOV is finished!  I was working on the miles of binding and the iron stopped working!  I tried to figure out why, I think water got in one of the contacts, and it shorted out.  Very frustrating!  I will finish the binding application first thing this morning so I can turn it in at Quilting Group today!
I worked on more of these blocks and will take this to finish the pile for my project today.
Yesterday, I enjoyed an early morning weeding/hoeing session in the garden beds.  The growth in just the 11 days we were gone is amazing!  The plants all tripled in size!  
The hour spent puttering with the plants was very good for me!
Bill's cherry tomato is tall and productive--the small beef tomatoes are catching up!

Tomorrow, I will show you a few other projects I enjoyed working on--it is nice to be home.


  1. The garden plants make my fingers itch to get into the dirt! Glad they’re doing so well. -Marsel

  2. Your plants are looking good!! Our garden stuff really grew while we were away too.

  3. Your garden is just glorious! As warm as it's been up here it's still too early for planting. No one really trusts Mother Nature anymore.

  4. The plants grow fast when they get the weather they like!

  5. The garden beds look great with all the flourishing plants.

  6. Your garden is looking really good and congrats on the Quilt of Valor finish. Isn't it amazing how nice it is to be home, even when we're having a great time away?
    Blessings and love,


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I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...