Thursday, April 27, 2023


I tried a new way to mount my Hummingbird Diamond Dotz and it turned out very nicely and I will be using it for lots of projects that need a bit of support to display!  This is especially true for odd-sized pieces that you can't find a frame for!  I bought some artisit's canvas panels and cut it to size
 (in this instance, the boards are cut 9" x 9").
I then glued the front of the canvas 
and stretched the Diamond Dotz material over the canvas.
Several hours later, I turned the canvas over
 and folded the back to give a miter at the corner.
I glued the flaps down to the back--
I simply used Elmer's white glue. 
(Sorry for the upside down picture but no matter what, it will only load on the blog upside down!) Once the flaps were glued down, I placed a piece of white, thin cardboard (like in the layer of a new shirt) cut to cover most of the back and glued it and used a roller to press it firmly in place.  The picture hanger was then centered and also glued with a pile of glue over the ends. 
 It dried very securely!
And here were are--two nicely mounted matching pieces! 
 As soon as my WA granddaughters finish their birds
 and mail them to me, 
I will mount them and display all four! in a grouping!


  1. Beautiful! Those birds are stunning.
    I've been mounting all The Mister's paint by number projects on foam core boards with mounting pins and masking tape. It's not fancy but it lets me sit them up for display. I never thought of adding a picture hanger on the back. I need to do that.

  2. Clever idea. Enjoy the hummingbirds.

  3. Those hummingbirds are so pretty and happy and that's a pretty way to mount them for hanging. I'm looking forward to seeing the other two.


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