Sunday, April 9, 2023



After church we are gathering for an old fashioned Sunday dinner and then a birthday celebration for Noah, who turns 1 next weekend but we will be home by then,
 so he gets to celebrate it one week early!  


  1. Happy Easter and happy birthday to Noah! What a cutie pie! Those overalls are just too cute.

  2. How wonderful!!! All the family time, the rock hounding and getting to know that baby! Safe travels for you as you wing your way back home.

  3. Such a cutie! Our middle child had his first birthday on Easter Sunday. I made him the cutest rabbit cake. That was 39 years ago! He just turned 40 on Friday!
    I'm so glad you're having a good time. We went to sunrise service, breakfast at church and then regular service. It was wonderful. The most moving messages I can ever remember hearing. Tears may have been shed by me.
    Enjoy your time there.
    Blessings and hugs,


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